you don't shut the f**k up I will shove that car horn right
up your arse!?!"
The Preston players
almost didn't make it to Leeds. The service station monster
approached the team voyage, as Pete got horny!!!
Pete, the passenger
in Dale's car pomped the car horn to the sound of the David
Nugent song.
DA da da da, David Nugent
rang around the service station car park. All of a sudden,
a big figure stepped out of the darkness (picture below).
It all went quiet, the monster quoted.
"If you don't shut
the f**k up I will shove that car horn right up your arse!?!".
The whole team burst out laughing, as the 10 foot giant stood
there staring straight at us.
The team quickly got
back into our vehicles and drove off. Guess what, Pete honked
that horn once more ......priceless!!!

image to enlarge
to Steve for supplying the picture.